...a data-heavy open notebook for ongoing trans-disciplinary analysis of publicly-funded scientific experiments presented for public falsification, reinforcing transparency. All site-hosted and off-site data and original research may be freely distributed with proper citation. Requests to access additional resources incorporated into this work should be made to the blog author, who is fully responsible for this content except where credited otherwise. [last updated 20240826 UTC]
Solar-terrestrial noise sources - those associated with IMF magnetic reconnection-shock arrival-solar wind coupling generating quasiperiodic chirped-tranverse waveforms with coherent phases ascribed to GW by LIGO - were affecting experimental apparatus surrounding both supervent triggers for May 21 2019 UTC; peak frequency of #GW190521 Hanford and Livingston strain signals is oddly identical to standard 60 Hz North American AC power line frequency, which leaks into North American LIGO signals, with Virgo signal centered accordingly at 50 Hz: https://cplberry.com/2020/09/02/gw190521-the-big-one/
For four consecutive LIGO-Virgo superevent triggers surrounding putative GW190521 (ordered from most recent: S190524q, S190521r, #S190521g/#GW190521g/#GW190521, #S190519bj), CACTus, ACE, WIND, and GOES data clearly support an environmental and temporal correlation to corotational-coalescing interplanetary CME/X-ray flare [mobilized-accelerated-radiated] flux ToF|ToA relationships for N=4 consecutive O3 #LIGO-Virgo triggers, reproducing LVC arrival t0. Intervals between CMEs and the May 21, 2019 UTC LIGO-Virgo superevent triggers intervals are preserved: 4:41:33 interval between GW190521 and S190521r trigger times and 4:47:00 interval between two CMEs occuring prior to the two LVC events with lag-corrected shock modes having the same arrival windows and virtually exact ToA.
Solar-IMF-ground connectivity:LVC trigger correspondence is further supported in consecutive event correlation to geometry of CME-ICME joint velocity field and its front/sheath boundary dispersive arrival times (deviations identical to conserved discrete bow shock-magnetotail propagation lags). GW190521g is another LVC trigger that has been published as a “confirmed” event concomitant with GW190814, but has received less attention. For consecutive O3 LIGO-Virgo triggers S190524q [retracted], S190521r, S190521g/GW190521g/GW190521, S190519bj, CACTus-LASCO CME, GOES X-ray flux, and ACE L1 interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind data clearly support corotating-coalescing CME/X-ray flux ToF|ToA for this segment of N=4 consecutive O3 LIGO-Virgo triggers during a period of enhanced Earth-sun connectivity – showing the emergence of complimentary lengths in field-restricted gyrofrequency:ToF, reproducing LVC arrival t0 (correlated CME and May 21, 2019 LIGO-Virgo S190521r-GW190521g trigger intervals of 4:48:00 and 4:41:33 respectively).
A magnetospheric proton flare was detected at langrange point L1 by ACE minutes prior to GW190521/S190521g arrival; a thermal ion valley degeneracy troughed directly prior to S190521r:
Calculated CME-LVC trigger correspondences and correlations with coupled geometric Solar wind velocity modes are solutions to LIGO-Virgo event window correlations with terrestrial-IMF reconnection events:
Evidence for consecutive and systematic nonindependence of LVC trigger properties is patent:
Near-periodic Earth-solar wind-interplanetary magnetic field interaction periods follow daily and annual cycles that have been shown to also correlate to the arrival times LIGO-Virgo triggers as a population, which – paradoxically – never arrive during geosphysically quiet periods free of nonstationary transverse spectral contents. IMF-magnetosphere-ground reconnection of the extended scale occurring during all waveform-conformal LVC triggers is presaged by ubiquitous quasiperiodic-correlated noise floor intervals centered on LVC trigger ToA – especially as Earth sun connectivity to heliopause is polarity-restrictive undergoes discrete variation (crossings and interference) in localized coupling strength to enhanced solar wind/IMF with profound symmetry transformations. In other words, LIGO-Virgo cannot detect gravitational wave signals during quiet periods with Gaussian noise and reduced Earth-sun connectivity.
Magnetospheric substorm histogram annual and daily variation correlates to DL parameter variation and arrival times:
Bursty CG lightning discharge from an exceptionally-active continental-scale front - which was stationary at the boundary of the aquifer below @LIGOLA for several days (during all four LVC superevents surrounding S190521g/GW190521) for 10 minute intervals surrounding LIGO-Virgo events on May 21, 2019 UT, : for S190521g, (global N=6725 ground strikes) TX, 90% global count; for North America, 97% of all ground strikes occured in TX cell.
For S190521r, (global N=3868 ground strikes) TX cell 63% of global strikes, 87% of North American strikes:
Updating of S190521g/GW190521sky localization and distance estimation show profound differences in source properties dependent on distance-redshift degeneracy with mass and spin values that do not minimize the dayside orthoginal solar-terrestrial flux connectivity footprint that appears in coronal hole maps during the trigger:
Offset from nightside-midnight sector is directly-encoded in local time|station array relations to near orthogonal coronal connectivity from doublet-global hole|field line looping.
S190521r: arc of 90% area (at longitude of East end of 50% area) displaced
S190521r 7:43:59 UTC S190521g 3:02:29 UTC interval 4:41:30 LHO arrival 20:02:49 PDT LLO arrival 22:02:49 CDT Virgo local 05:02:49 CEST
Focus (sky localization area) between 12h and 15h longitude (global solar magnetic dual critical points during Carrington rotation roughly orthogonal during event to Earth), with ~21:02:49 representing local median/west bound of coronal magnetic hole doublet. Event S190521r credible region offset with respect to orthiginal Earth-Sun connectivity at interval consistent with 4:41:33 interval between GW190521 and S190521r trigger times and 4:47:00 interval between two CMEs occuring prior to the two events with lag-corrected shock modes directly predicted to coincide with our two May 21, 2019 UTC superevent triggers"
Earth-corona connectivity evolution during N=4 event window shows field line reconnection occuring during May 21 event window:
Luminosity distance and confident bounds of central tendency for #S190521g/ #GW190521 were both radically revised by integer factors of 6 or 7 (from 6.63±1.56 Gpc to 3.931±9.53 Gpc to 5.3 +2.4,-2.6 Gpc) - arbitrary global rescaling that no rigorous attempt was made to justify - only six hours after #S190521g/ #GW190521 candidate prompt public notification following initial LVC analysis https://gracedb.ligo.org/superevents/S190521g/view/. As the raw signal itself retains a high false alarm rate (1/8.3367 years, although "updated" to 1/4900 yr in Abbott et al. 2020) even in a permissive signal processing regime, is claimed to be the second furthest (3931 ± 953 Mpc [signal, as superevent S190521g]), and detected to be contained within one of the more expansive source location uncertainties (765 deg2 90% localization area), the hyperbolic presentation of such inferentially-indirect conclusions cannot be substantiated. No numerical relativity template could be generated to describe the spectral evolution or contents of the signal, as is the case with several unmodeled "exceptional" prior signals.
The LVC luminosity distance for GW190521 signal has 90% confidence interval range larger than the LVC-only (no Graham et al. 2020 bias) putative credible central tendency estimated for the signal.
1. 0.663±0.156 Gpc
2. 3.931±0.953 Gpc
3. 5.3 +2.4,-2.6 Gpc
S190521g DL central tendency: 3.931±0.953 Gpc, max. 4.84 Gpc
Abbott et al. 2020 DL central tendency: 5.3 Gpc
range from initial 0.663 Gpc to maximum Abbott et al. 2020 DL 7.7 Gpc: 7.193 Gpc
range from maximum (7.7 Gpc) to minimum (2.7 Gpc) Abbott et al. 2020 DL: 5.0 Gpc
Rescaling of luminosity distance is both crucial to the cumulative confidence for any strong discovery claim of an extreme source not currently permitted as a solution to most empirically-supported current astrophysical models for mass distribution given pair equilibrium constraints for black hole populations. Rescaling extreme and certainly is a reflection of mass-spin and mass-redshift degeneracies which are intractible features of the experimental design, as well as of many common moments for field order regimes at critical points and shocks in terrestrial space.
Mass-spin degeneracy prevents the independent measurement of mass, spin, and group velocity (assumed to be c)
[see compendium of observations, references, and data representing known LIGO-Virgo false trigger rate - the convergence of quasiperiodic behaviors in ground state fluctuations associated with nonequilibrium transitions in space-ground electromagnetic coupling given tidal effects, orbital variation, and continental gravitational potential affecting stability of bound mass distributions interacting with reconnecting field lines have been evident during LIGO-Virgo events, with no arrival times occurring during geophysically noise-quiet (Gaussian/uncorrelated) periods (over 80% of non-storm Earth days; exceptional global sychronized cloud-ground lightning-global reconnection-global dipolarization events (magnetospheric mode during shock arrivals) coincides with all N=80 LIGO-Virgo non-retracted superevents.]
This observation was promoted as indirect support of the already pop-sensationalized GW190521 candidate designation (S190521g), which also was the first detection day having more than one superevent trigger (2 events is still the upper limit, with trigger density >79 designated candidates per UTC day Not so fast: LB-1 is unlikely to contain a 70 M⊙ black hole
From difference imaging on an edge of a lobe from a multiple-zone GW190521 sky localization area (total 90% credible region 765 deg2), a claimed quasar was identified utilizing a Bayesian change point-style method, and is associated by Graham et al .2020 Candidate Electromagnetic Counterpart to the Binary Black Hole Merger Gravitational-Wave Event S190521g* with extreme minimal (<2.5 Gpc) LVC posterior value for source luminosity distance limit - despite its observation absolutely delayed by 34 days (with respect to mutual frame of source) after #GW190521/#S190521g time of arrival. Graham et al .2020 preceded - by months - the peer-reviewed September, 2020 release of LVC GW190521 discovery papers
The prediction, by Graham et al. 2020, of a second flare ∼1.6 yr following the initial possible detected quasar emission may be underspecific for the desired model supporting a hypothetical BH coalescence-flare association, as velocity scaling for many ordinary orbital systems preserve an inflection point at ∼1.6 yr as an artifact of annual Solar-heliospheric apparent density changes of interstellar/intergalactic medium between Earth observer and distant luminous locations in space. Coincidentally, December 2020 Chandra observations of the NGC 4993 GW170817 putative source are promising to be difficult to reconcile with widely-believed interpetations of the GW170817/GRB170817A event: https://twitter.com/Fulguritics/status/1265882444059688963
As it were, any precise signal content for GW190521 is compicated by prejudicial modeling, multiple comparisons, lack of transparency as to noise properties/on-site magnetic saturation, and very low empirical signal confidence given coincident noise and terrestrial spectral power content. The signal which was not fit with numerical relativity template; enhanced degeneracies, low power and short duration aside, render models loosly constrained by data. Ordinary triggers from ordinary claimed sources that would be less controversial/demand less burden of proof during O3 have been neglected in favor of sensational claims presented during a vulnerable cultural moment.
More than a year of self-protecting multiple comparions have, for LIGO-Virgo served to enhance sytem/network FAR (1/8.3367 to 1/4900 yr) despite immense evidence linking the GW190521 event to proximal retractions. Post-hoc matching of luminosity distance as such to protect a narrow overlapping region of immense distances and immense error cannot be vindicated in this kind of analytical environment (questionable data with a significant admitted terrestrial component processed by a consummate Bayesian methodology).
Extreme conservation of normalized (ratio) constants for multiple [bound] degrees of freedom has been demonstrated throughout LIGO-Virgo parameter space [inclusive of unknown systematics] throughout controlled analysis. Such values are ambiguous due to their appearance as artifacts in the mismatch error in aliased/cosine-misaligned measurement, while being common to open Hamiltonian systems and quasiperiodic lattices. 1. ∽0.56 neutron lifetime:AU Larmor correspondence and monodromic scale invariance Correspondence of minimum spin bound to path length|gyroradius, propagation rate, lifetime invariance of solar free neutrons, through β−decay involved in proton precipitation (proton flares and sudden increases in solar wind proton density/pressure are involved in all LIGO-Virgo heliospheric-magnetospheric regimes, for both prompt and interval-bound coincident foreground interactions): for mean AU, all neutron v[n0τ|AU]:c=0.566085, min AU, all neutron v[n0τ|AU]:c=0.551594, max AU, all neutronv[n0τ|AU]:c=0.577996, (cf. (31/2)-1=0.57735, π/2e=0.577864, γ=0.577216 [Euler-Mascheroni]) 1/(✓(1+✓2))+d(v[n0τ|AU(min,max)]:c)=0.580176. 1. (✓(1+✓2)-1)=0.553774, 2. 1/(r*π)=r, r=0.5641896 3. (32)/(42)= 0.5625, 7(3,4) 4. 4/7=0.57142857142 5. 3/7=0.42857142857 6. 1-r=0.43581, r+((1/(2φ^(1/3))=0.42589)=0.9900796, γ|0.9900796c=7.117 [cf. experimental neutron mean lifetime correction below, v[n0τ]|γ=1/7 c ((1/7)-((7.117*2)/100))≈1, ((1/7)-((7.117*2)/100))/(1/α)=3.7737737557E-06] which had been correlated with a strong lower spin bound for specific [model-dependent degenerate] LIGO event parameters: Neutron mean lifetime Larmor:=1AU; neutron acceleration and decay shows curvature-aligned stability, which is scale-invariant; topological rigidity in Parker spiral field-restricted correlation between solar source and interplanetary plasma is demonstrated at critical points, their orbital-differential coupling with or without CME and shock interactions from co-moving systems also correlated with highest probability triggering for magnetospheric accelerated electrons, proton flares and sustained quasiperiodic substorm reconnection phases in long-range potentials showing large-scale coherence, given exact orbital distance of Earth from sun|barycentric perturbations (correlated to quasiperiodic magnetospheric behavior/LVC events):
Spectral partitioning for histogram phase space of LIGO-Virgo O3 superevents: DCT_non-retracted[(130-62)/𝐾]≈DCT_retracted[(129-60)/𝐾]≈0.43, 𝐾=160
Virgo events, in this case with retractions and non-retractions combined as a population. Strong integer-irrational scaling precludes LIGO claims of uncorrelated events.
a=RE=6356 km; fn=(c/2πa)*√n(n+1), for nth Schumann resonance modes https://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/zna.1952.7.issue-2/zna-1952-0202/zna-1952-0202.pdf (cf.[(v=0.71 c=√2/2=1/√2)*(γ=1.414...=√2)]=1, v|γ=[v=1/✓2≡0.70710678118]|[γ[✓2] ≡1.41421356237); Precision non-empirical Schumann peaks:
for n2,n4,... √2, √3 interband scaling from Schumann formula [1952],
GW150914 BH maximum remnant spin range, 0.57-0.72 c LIGO GW150914 remnant ringdown freq, ~250 Hz LIGO GW150914 frequency/wavelength for peak strain, 150 Hz/2000 km GW150914 0.2 s duration, event cycle wavelength 40172 km at 0.67 c, 7.5 Hz|v≅0.67 c (7.5 Hz approx. ideal fundamental Schumann mode at Earth radius 6356 km, 0.67 remnant spin mean, with respect to c, for all LIGO-Virgo sources); 5 Hz|v=c, 59958 km|0.2 s GW150914 L1-H1 arrival lag, ~0.0069 s Lorentz factor, γ=1/(√(1-(v2/c2))
speed of light, c group velocity, vg (0.0069*c)=2068.6 km, (0.0069*[0.67*c])=1385.9 km c/((0.0069*c)*0.58)=249.88 Hz;
consider error intervals for various published ranges of LIGO remnant spin bounds, 0.72-0.57=0.15, 1/0.15=6.666... 0.71-0.58=0.13 0.72-0.56=0.16
...and maximum SR-permitted range-bound LIGO signal lag (recall that [(v=0.71 c=√2/2=1/√2)*(γ=1.414...=√2)]=1): (t=0.01 s)/(γ=1.441|vg=0.72c)=0.00694 s 1/31/3 =0.693361, 31/3 =1.44225 (t=0.01 s)/(γ=1.44225|vg=0.72059 c)=0.006934 s
log(√φ)/log(√2)= 0.69424191363, 1(/log(√φ)/log( √2))=1.44042009041log(√2)/log(φ)= 0.7202100452, for v|c=0.7202100452, γ=1.44142882. Schumann resonances are known noise gravitational wave interferometer sources that are associated with false triggers, and have already been represented throughout the literate as a serious impediment to the efficacy of both impulsive and stochastic GW searches/signal discrimination. Lightning activity displays global discharge phase locking, and as such Schumann resonance amplification is directly correlated to thunderstorm discharge, driven by solar wind during magnetospheric mode. For all LIGO-Virgo superevent signal windows, cloud-ground lightning remarkably displays quasiperiodic/near-periodic attenuation-burst phase locking https://fulguritics.blogspot.com/2018/06/continent-wide-blitzortung.html
"LIGO plans to monitor magnetic fields because they can affect the interferometer’s signals. A magnetic field from a Schumann Resonance can affect both LIGO interferometers in a similar way as a gravitational wave. "
2. From Characterization of transient noise in Advanced LIGO relevant to gravitational wave signal GW150914
“Potential electromagnetic noise sources include lightning, solar events and solar-wind driven noise, as well as RF communication. If electromagnetic noise were strong enough to affect h(t), it would be witnessed with high SNR by radio receivers and magnetometers.”
“12:46, Tuesday 17 November 2015 [… . …] Magnetometers at End Station VEAs Fixed I went this morning to investigate the end station VEA magnetometers. Turns out we left the EY magnetometer off since Sep 12. I turned it on, spectrum looks reasonable now. At EX I swapped the PSU box from the new model to the old model and two types of noise went away: a comb of lines at 1 and 1.5 Hz and a high frequency slope that I don’t understand. We’ll have to look into this and complain to Bartington about it. I’ve seen this “feature” in other PSUs and I’ve relegated those to EBAY magnetometers, where we don’t have the x100 filter boxes. Spectrum attached. Not sure what the 1-2kHz noise is, maybe the old box is losing it too… Will investigate”