LIGO gravitational wave transient GW150914 cannot be modeled without first recognizing that this event may not have occured independently of an enhanced geomagnetically-stimulated noise floor. Isolated geomagnetic substorm-like events were underway, producing quasiperiodic ramped signals with coherent field evolution in magnetometers, corresponding to stretching modes in ACE and GOES proton flux and Solar wind density/dynamic pressure, sharing unusual transverse spectral features with dipolarization signals at periodic intervals corresponding to rapid changes in both magnetospheric and geomagnetic oscillation. GW150914 trigger coincides with autocorrelated parametric crossover between coupled transverse spectral modes throughout the Earth-IMF interstice, shifted by lags appropriate to absolute satellite distance from Earth surface and calculated dispersion; GOES-13 and GOES-15 magnetospheric data, with ACE interplanetary field data, are powerful predictors of the effect of space weather, revealing unusual structural and energetic traits in our local dynamic neighborhood, found in all solar wind/magnetospheric/lightning data on this day. The combination of sawtooth and complex substorm phase with CG lightning triggering modulation recurs during each LIGO GW trigger, including LVT151012 (now GW151012) and N=6 2018 events released by LIGO .

individual ground magnetometer stations (raw values), N, E|Z components for twelve (12) stations surrounding LIGO detectors in US, Mexico and Canada:
T15 (Bay Mills), BSL (Bay St Louis), BOU (Boulder), FRD (Fredericksburg), FRN (Fresno), LET (Lethbridge), C08 (Osakis), PIN (Pinawa), M08 (San Antonio), TEO (Teoloyucan), TUC (Tucson), VIC (Victoria)
station locations (green points):
These one-minute resolution datasets can be downloaded for any available date and time:

BSL (Bay St Louis)
BOU (Boulder)
FRD (Fredericksburg)
FRN (Fresno)
VIC (Victoria)
data for these stations for any day for the entire SuperMag coverage period:
The peak of the event in the N component is surrounded by 41-51 minutes of phase-locked global lightning with a period of 5-minutes (correlated with exact LIGO noise window and both ACE and GOES solar wind, IMF, and proton flux as well, with an expected CME arrival and one of the most spectacular Earth-facing coronal holes in a solar cycle, accompanied by a second open (polar) hole with more than 35% of the visible coronal surface open magnetically toward Earth).
A very clearly-defined and ordered sawtooth particle injection with three stationary asymmetric peaks is transferred as time symmetry-breaking with increasing dipolarization front density and transverse modulation. Propagating transverse-bound split potentials with scale-invariant and fractional/recursive properties generate ramped solitons, split peaks, and double wells as quasiperiodic time reversal symmetry breaking prevails in dynamic, orderded boundary distribution, the result of push-pull crossover with fractional noise-reinforced equilibrium in analogous non-chaotic quantum systems with strong anisotropy.
A very clearly-defined and ordered sawtooth particle injection with three stationary asymmetric peaks is transferred as time symmetry-breaking with increasing dipolarization front density and transverse modulation. Propagating transverse-bound split potentials with scale-invariant and fractional/recursive properties generate ramped solitons, split peaks, and double wells as quasiperiodic time reversal symmetry breaking prevails in dynamic, orderded boundary distribution, the result of push-pull crossover with fractional noise-reinforced equilibrium in analogous non-chaotic quantum systems with strong anisotropy.
Such an unusual substorm transition evolved over the majority of this single day, gradually generating both excess charge and impulsive field transients - possible sources of signals prematurely hailed as gravitational waves. The autocorrelations of both time and spectral data from GW150914 (all GW events [N=11] it seems) embed and co-vary in both time and frequency domain with high confidence into the same asymmetric groupoid flow transformations - with the same eigenvalues and cumulative correlations - from solar wind and IMF data (see earlier posts for some examples of such unfortunate identity between a non-astrophysical explanatory source and LIGO GW). Cross-correlations, autocorrelations, and power spectra preserve an eigenspace-eigenbasis ensemble of phase intervals and amplitude scaling relations during the strongly-correlated sawtooth period surrounding GW events (4-10 hours, with some intervals extending days during moderate-intense substorm periods of ~3 days). The appearance of significant non-Gaussian signal information, phase-locked and irrationally-fractional, in so many non-astrophysical data sources - virtually identical to the signals LIGO is insisting are GW - is not a coincidence, I think I am able to propose.
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