LIGO GW150914 scale invariant signal content, arrival time lags, conjugate errors, and degenerate parametric properties are ubiquitously associated with direct impulsive injection/dipolarization and feedback-driven compound shocks during critical-coherent solar wind/magnetosphere/ionosphere/ground interactions involving, but not limited to, magnetospheric sawtooth events.
A selection of pages on this blog hosting data and analysis relevant directly to the interpretation of GW150914 and indeed all other LIGO events:
The many mutual correlations between ground and space conditions are explored and reconstructed at

GW150914 is immediately projected as a superposed global bifurcation in a propagating
quasiperiodic state, within a near rotationally-invariant KAM-like potential, intrinsically-associated with spontaneous time symmetry breaking in eigenmode-preserving phase-locked systems displaying scale-free intermittency. Magnetospheric sawtooth events such as that recorded on September 14, 2015 share many dynamic properties with intermittent non-chaotic/chaotic oscillation in feedback-controlled systems, such as critical plasma confined by nonstationary poloidal magnetic fields, resulting in the emergence of a hyperbolic triplet shock solution, analogous to quantization error, interspersed by propagating 'valley degeneracy' standing waves with split phases and peaks:

Intermittency dominates phase correlation/evolution of eigenmodes and boundary vacuua. As magnetospheric sawtooth injections may accompany most sustained quasiperiodic geomagnetic couplings between solar wind and terrestrial magnetosphere, the cross-correlation between the synchronous variance operator of the dynamic pressure|density of the solar wind at the bow shock of Earth's magnetosphere and the same function for the x,y,z components of the interplanetary magnetic field iterates a peculiar emergent triple-delta rarefaction potential, evidently affecting magnetic field coherent variability.
Time and frequency domain analysis of GW150914 signal and foreground-geodesic context
GW150914 lags, thunderstorms, and terrestrial waveguide modes
Solar wind/IMF/magnetospheric parameters, flux, fields, and functions from ACE (
and GOES (
1. As the total signal is quasiperiodic and self-similar, and is recursively-bound to IMF and solar wind activity coupled to the ionosphere and interacting with the geomagnetic field, the discrete differences of σ^2_k[Bx,By,Bz], the B[x,y,z] parameters of the IMF around GW150914 (x=1 minute); 2. LIGO strain data around GW150914 showing "noise" (red) and supposed high-SNR 0.2 s GW signal (blue) (

Pre-whitened LIGO GW150914 Livingston, LA strain power spectrum for the most sensitive LIGO range, standardized and squared:

Such time-dependent (sample length 0.2 s. at 16,384 Hz) modes (colored to highlight correlated asymmetry) are not artifacts of poor window selection or Gibbs phenomena, but actual components of the data mentioned by several authors, found in many systems in nature (not exclusively Kerr/Kerr-Newman black holes)

Scale-free dynamics are evident in time series of GW150914-L1 strain with interplanetary magnetic field norm of non-vertical component, which is also a measure of an intermittent diffraction field (non-equilibrium transverse mode stability):

The spectrum of a log-normal impulse forced through simple geodesic-circular waveguides on Earth at meteorological/geomorphological scales is expected to be nearly identical to a polarization correction and with respect to dispersion for the simple LIGO cylinder cavity morphology without assumptions as to source or propagation properties, itself generating extra power in transverse modes that can bear high density away from notched calibration lines. Quasi-parallel mode-locked noise response of LIGO-Virgo and effects of cross-talk, GPS clock signal propagation lag/interference/resonant fractional errors in atomic clock signal synchronization and processing (especially given indistinguishable X-corrs between raw LIGO data and critical environmental EM time series, and the use of calibration protocols and harmonics that are non-unique given Q-factor, downsampling, and aliasing), and induced overcharging of on-site magnetic sensor buffers have rendered magnetometer monitoring an exercise in extended dead time. As this problem has been almost completely ignored in public regard, LIGO analysts do not seem to have to bother referencing geophysical data, instead maintaining self-referentiality and Bayesian prior bias in the simplistic typological assignment of "noise" into classes delineated by morphology or assumed local instrumental mechanism (e.g. scattered light glitches as purely the consequences of imperfections in mirrors, but not attempting to model environmental or systematic causes for quasiparallel interferences/polarization artifact propagation/thermal transitions/QM tunneling/loss of coherence/nonlinearly excited waveguide imperfections)

GW data, interpreted after cleaning, contribute to naive and hypothetically-arbitrary confusion between template-based phenomenological uniqueness criteria and stimulated solitons in Kerr media (SiO2 test masses) and nonlinear charging from ellitical magnetic modes.
Simple, dimensionless Airy disk-like broadband/almost-degenerate quasinormal mode bundles foliated by transverse interactions (displaying a compound bifurcation event for GW150914 approx. at 0.1 s) resulting in scalable, non-unique waveguided information that is no different than noise spectral classification at caustic-like nonstationary radio horizons.
Converting the spectral power curve to a meaningful signal requires the destruction of the original information in LIGO strain data and conversion into band-restricted wavelets. These degenerate, affine-ordered quasinormal modes are removed, ignored, and synthetically-denied in LIGO publications, as their presence has become fuel for investigation into the possibility for LIGO data to contain precise information beyond GR, and are exactly what is produced by circular TE-TM electromagnetic waveguides (which abound in atmospheric physics).
The solar wind parameters P and PDYN are phase and mode locked during their respective signal detection 29 days and four minutes apart, directly following IMF field perturbations from an odd eclipse event, affecting some satellite functions (as, oddly, synchronized data gaps virtually an entire month apart in ostensibly random or weakly periodic data). This is not a coincidence, but does it show that GW150914, surrounded by this bizarre associated solar wind signal, is strong enough to promote LVT151012 to a bonafide discovery, or does this undermine GW150914 and LVT151012?

Solar wind dynamic pressure and density are bound during detector noise phases with identical lags to GW events, and show uncanny identity at a period similar to the lunar cycle or one of the inertial solar coronal rotation periods, even sharing data gaps from excess charging preceding the sawtooth event and “between” GW impulses. It is the variance between these indicators that produces virtually-identical autocorrelations to GW signals as I have shown above. Lightning activity is represented by short colored bars in the triple parameter superposition between P, PDYN, and BZ with GW/LVT events indicated with tall bars.

Spatial relationships for E-I waveguide for GW150914, with aquifer and line of sight calculations for critical global geographic correlations during sawtooth phase.
link to lightning GIFs for each of the seven GW triggers
GW150914 signal lags and parametric modeling from coincident thunderstorms
GW150914 event, UTC 09:50:45: coincident with global, superimposed CG lightning at almost exact 10-minute intervals beginning with a sudden loss of CG activity sensed by the array in North America: ~9:40, ~(9:50, 10:00, 10:10, 10:20,...) and globally, with activity falling to zero at 9:40 and remaining at zero prior to a global superimposed/asymptotically-overlapping CG discharge burst at ~9:45 with stochastic continuity suddenly ceasing at 9:50, inverse of 10 minute North American region falling rate, with continental burst at 9:50 corresponding to final global burst oscillation episode.Unusually high global CG lightning activity detection is conceivably attenuated through sensor saturation, anomalous feedback, power loss, or instrumental clock error, with total CG remaining a significant artifact of pulse-coupled magnetospheric vacuum instability.

link to ground magnetometer data from North America encompassing LIGO detectors

station locations (green points):

T15 (Bay Mills), BSL (Bay St Louis), BOU (Boulder), FRD (Fredericksburg), FRN (Fresno), LET (Lethbridge), C08 (Osakis), PIN (Pinawa), M08 (San Antonio), TEO (Teoloyucan), TUC (Tucson), VIC (Victoria)
Ground magnetometer stations in closest proximity to LIGO detectors are BSL and VIC.

North American ground magnetometer stations encompassing and centering LIGO instruments, N=5: BSL (Bay St Louis), BOU (Boulder), FRD (Fredericksburg), FRN (Fresno), VIC (Victoria)
These series are the partial autocorrelations of the dynamic pressure and the density of the solar wind with two shifted versions of the autocorrelation of gravitational wave event trigger GW150914-L1 (fitting rather nicely). Quasiperiodic injections will produce scaled iterations of their particular waveforms, conserved eigenvalues, and mutual coordinate relations in the spectra of scale-invariant transients as much as in long wavelength radio and coherent phase variations between normally uncorrelated processes. Gravitational wave event data are spectrally-covariant (bound by simple power laws and universal statistics), and with no prior assumptions as to source identity can be described by well-known classical helicon models for complex magnetic plasmas (with massive geon-like implications in some theoretical approaches toward a kind of gravitationally-bound, large-scale, self organizing nonresonant structure in giant cosmic fields), but also do contain meaningful classical and quantum correlations (whether undetected quantized TM modes, instanton-like artifacts, or an entangled state). Modeled joint LIGO data conform to topological behavior directly modeled by considering transverse field relations and total time evolution for parametric solar wind functions, further modeled into Earth cavity waveguided transverse modes through coupling to CG activity in thunderstorms, themselves modulating feedback from geomagnetic response to solar and magnetospheric shock/vacuua/injection arrivals:
GOES-13 magnetometer data with coincident lightning activity from Oklahoma storm active during GW150914 (grey bar); (light blue) the PACF of the PSD (DCT-II of the PACF) of 35-350 Hz bandpassed-unwhitened 16384 Hz time domain strain data from Livingston for the 0.2 s event, showing uncanny scaled conformity to the sawtooth event and to the impulsive triggering of globally-coherent lightning; [green] the PACF of the Hanford 35-350 Hz bandpassed-unwhitened 16384 Hz time domain strain data for the 0.2 s GW150914 event; 2.lightning discharge model around GW150914 (black, red dashed lines, with smoothed curve back shifted five mintues to fit pre-propagated data) with three channels from GOES13 512 ms proton flux (magnetometer) and the two (L1, H1) autocorrelations from unwhitened GW150915 strain data for the 0.2 second GW event, clearly showing a magnetospheric sawtooth stage with three coherent segments was underway, correlated with the duration of inter-detector cross-correlations with strain lags and spectral eigenvalues as noted by several authors:

A selection of pages on this blog hosting data and analysis relevant directly to the interpretation of GW150914 and indeed all other LIGO events:
The many mutual correlations between ground and space conditions are explored and reconstructed at
North American ground magnetometer data (plots) surrounding GW150914:
cloud-ground lightning at global and continental scale for all seven LIGO-Virgo events during correlated noise periods surrounding GW triggers:
Auto-correlation/auto-covariance and cross-correlation analysis of heliospheric magnetic field (interplanetary magnetic field) Bx, By, Bz and solar wind (dynamic pressure, proton density) in context of GW150914 event, which corresponds to the centering of sign changes for self-bisected time-dependent covariance and correlation coefficient sequences:

Global, transient, multi-scaled dynamic field coherence, here modeling the behavior of the geomagnetic field as it underwent a transition into multiple moderate isolated substorm phases, coincidentally iterates a downward-scaled boundary-preserving quasiperiodic phase cycle with almost-periodic lightning triggering into the time domain surrounding the GW150914 transient (blue bars). The period of almost-periodic behavior is identical to the period of phase-lag correlation in GW inter-detector strain (Creswell et al. 2017).

North American ground magnetometer data (plots) surrounding GW150914:
cloud-ground lightning at global and continental scale for all seven LIGO-Virgo events during correlated noise periods surrounding GW triggers:
Auto-correlation/auto-covariance and cross-correlation analysis of heliospheric magnetic field (interplanetary magnetic field) Bx, By, Bz and solar wind (dynamic pressure, proton density) in context of GW150914 event, which corresponds to the centering of sign changes for self-bisected time-dependent covariance and correlation coefficient sequences:
1. 2015-0914 SuperMAG-propagated ACE Interplanetary Magnetic Field, 𝜎2k[Bx,By,Bz], d(PACovFn(𝜎2k[Bx,By,Bz])), PACFn(𝜎2k[Bx,By,Bz]), event GW150914 (9:50:45 UTC)
2. 2015-0914 SuperMAG-propagated ACE Interplanetary Magnetic Field, solar wind, PCCFn(𝜎2k[Bx,By,Bz],𝜎2k[P, D]); d(PCCFn(𝜎2k[Bx,By,Bz], 𝜎2k[Pn, Dn])); event GW150914, 9:50:45 UTC; rarefaction/dipolarization-driven δ-shock intervals (y=arbitrary)
Global, transient, multi-scaled dynamic field coherence, here modeling the behavior of the geomagnetic field as it underwent a transition into multiple moderate isolated substorm phases, coincidentally iterates a downward-scaled boundary-preserving quasiperiodic phase cycle with almost-periodic lightning triggering into the time domain surrounding the GW150914 transient (blue bars). The period of almost-periodic behavior is identical to the period of phase-lag correlation in GW inter-detector strain (Creswell et al. 2017).
bowshock-magnetopause-geostationary interaction with solar wind during sawtooth event that corresponds to the GW150914 trigger source. During the event window, reported GPS clock lock anomalies generally occur during periods of density fluctuation in geostationary orbit, plasmoid formation and magnetospheric counterpropagating shocks as bowshock holes open; dipolarization front-triggered electron precipitation preserves coherent multipole topology, which is directly associated with compression and stretching of the magnetosphere; equilibrium of magnetopause retracts toward Earth:

1. ε-parameter, ε(W) [solar wind–magnetosphere coupling function, black (Perreault and Akasofu 1978)]; Sept. 14 2015 SuperMAG- ACE solar wind-IMF B_σ2k[x,y,z],red; 2. GW150914 event is centered for the variance of the IMF, σ^2_k[Bx, By, Bz, D, P_dyn] and the B_T parameter (total field strength); 3. [red] Southward, negative values indicate substorm phase in Z-component of IMF (B_z), as relatively rapid double-well oscillations truncate sawtooth events and the emergence of clefts and hyperbolic vacuua with inferred injections during spontaneous symmetry breaking; 4. σ^2_k[B(x,y,x)] and B_T/B_z:

GW150914 is immediately projected as a superposed global bifurcation in a propagating
quasiperiodic state, within a near rotationally-invariant KAM-like potential, intrinsically-associated with spontaneous time symmetry breaking in eigenmode-preserving phase-locked systems displaying scale-free intermittency. Magnetospheric sawtooth events such as that recorded on September 14, 2015 share many dynamic properties with intermittent non-chaotic/chaotic oscillation in feedback-controlled systems, such as critical plasma confined by nonstationary poloidal magnetic fields, resulting in the emergence of a hyperbolic triplet shock solution, analogous to quantization error, interspersed by propagating 'valley degeneracy' standing waves with split phases and peaks:

Intermittency dominates phase correlation/evolution of eigenmodes and boundary vacuua. As magnetospheric sawtooth injections may accompany most sustained quasiperiodic geomagnetic couplings between solar wind and terrestrial magnetosphere, the cross-correlation between the synchronous variance operator of the dynamic pressure|density of the solar wind at the bow shock of Earth's magnetosphere and the same function for the x,y,z components of the interplanetary magnetic field iterates a peculiar emergent triple-delta rarefaction potential, evidently affecting magnetic field coherent variability.
Time and frequency domain analysis of GW150914 signal and foreground-geodesic context
GW150914 lags, thunderstorms, and terrestrial waveguide modes
Solar wind, Interplanetary Magnetic Field - all propagated ACE samples September 14, 2015 UTC; GW150914 occurs five minutes from peak magnetospheric coupling pulse, which is the mean propagation time for signal from bow shock to midlatitude magnetometers, phase-locked with cloud-ground lightning during a magnetospheric sawtooth event:

and GOES (
ASD (DCT[PACF]) of the synchronous variance of the IMF (B[x,y,z]) sampled from from 0:00 Sept. 14 2015, and extending 1152 minutes. The data are affected by gaps, that are themselves the artifacts of sensor overload/shutdown periods and planetary occlusion of the Sun, both indirectly significant of extrema. These gaps are visible below, and are assumed to be significant signals in their own right due to their near-perfect synchronization during other GW event-coincident periods in ASD.

Pre-whitened LIGO GW150914 Livingston, LA strain power spectrum for the most sensitive LIGO range, standardized and squared:

Such time-dependent (sample length 0.2 s. at 16,384 Hz) modes (colored to highlight correlated asymmetry) are not artifacts of poor window selection or Gibbs phenomena, but actual components of the data mentioned by several authors, found in many systems in nature (not exclusively Kerr/Kerr-Newman black holes)

Scale-free dynamics are evident in time series of GW150914-L1 strain with interplanetary magnetic field norm of non-vertical component, which is also a measure of an intermittent diffraction field (non-equilibrium transverse mode stability):

The spectrum of a log-normal impulse forced through simple geodesic-circular waveguides on Earth at meteorological/geomorphological scales is expected to be nearly identical to a polarization correction and with respect to dispersion for the simple LIGO cylinder cavity morphology without assumptions as to source or propagation properties, itself generating extra power in transverse modes that can bear high density away from notched calibration lines. Quasi-parallel mode-locked noise response of LIGO-Virgo and effects of cross-talk, GPS clock signal propagation lag/interference/resonant fractional errors in atomic clock signal synchronization and processing (especially given indistinguishable X-corrs between raw LIGO data and critical environmental EM time series, and the use of calibration protocols and harmonics that are non-unique given Q-factor, downsampling, and aliasing), and induced overcharging of on-site magnetic sensor buffers have rendered magnetometer monitoring an exercise in extended dead time. As this problem has been almost completely ignored in public regard, LIGO analysts do not seem to have to bother referencing geophysical data, instead maintaining self-referentiality and Bayesian prior bias in the simplistic typological assignment of "noise" into classes delineated by morphology or assumed local instrumental mechanism (e.g. scattered light glitches as purely the consequences of imperfections in mirrors, but not attempting to model environmental or systematic causes for quasiparallel interferences/polarization artifact propagation/thermal transitions/QM tunneling/loss of coherence/nonlinearly excited waveguide imperfections)
GW data, interpreted after cleaning, contribute to naive and hypothetically-arbitrary confusion between template-based phenomenological uniqueness criteria and stimulated solitons in Kerr media (SiO2 test masses) and nonlinear charging from ellitical magnetic modes.
Simple, dimensionless Airy disk-like broadband/almost-degenerate quasinormal mode bundles foliated by transverse interactions (displaying a compound bifurcation event for GW150914 approx. at 0.1 s) resulting in scalable, non-unique waveguided information that is no different than noise spectral classification at caustic-like nonstationary radio horizons.

Converting the spectral power curve to a meaningful signal requires the destruction of the original information in LIGO strain data and conversion into band-restricted wavelets. These degenerate, affine-ordered quasinormal modes are removed, ignored, and synthetically-denied in LIGO publications, as their presence has become fuel for investigation into the possibility for LIGO data to contain precise information beyond GR, and are exactly what is produced by circular TE-TM electromagnetic waveguides (which abound in atmospheric physics).
The solar wind parameters P and PDYN are phase and mode locked during their respective signal detection 29 days and four minutes apart, directly following IMF field perturbations from an odd eclipse event, affecting some satellite functions (as, oddly, synchronized data gaps virtually an entire month apart in ostensibly random or weakly periodic data). This is not a coincidence, but does it show that GW150914, surrounded by this bizarre associated solar wind signal, is strong enough to promote LVT151012 to a bonafide discovery, or does this undermine GW150914 and LVT151012?

Solar wind dynamic pressure and density are bound during detector noise phases with identical lags to GW events, and show uncanny identity at a period similar to the lunar cycle or one of the inertial solar coronal rotation periods, even sharing data gaps from excess charging preceding the sawtooth event and “between” GW impulses. It is the variance between these indicators that produces virtually-identical autocorrelations to GW signals as I have shown above. Lightning activity is represented by short colored bars in the triple parameter superposition between P, PDYN, and BZ with GW/LVT events indicated with tall bars.
Spatial relationships for E-I waveguide for GW150914, with aquifer and line of sight calculations for critical global geographic correlations during sawtooth phase.
link to lightning GIFs for each of the seven GW triggers
GW150914 signal lags and parametric modeling from coincident thunderstorms
GW150914 event, UTC 09:50:45: coincident with global, superimposed CG lightning at almost exact 10-minute intervals beginning with a sudden loss of CG activity sensed by the array in North America: ~9:40, ~(9:50, 10:00, 10:10, 10:20,...) and globally, with activity falling to zero at 9:40 and remaining at zero prior to a global superimposed/asymptotically-overlapping CG discharge burst at ~9:45 with stochastic continuity suddenly ceasing at 9:50, inverse of 10 minute North American region falling rate, with continental burst at 9:50 corresponding to final global burst oscillation episode.Unusually high global CG lightning activity detection is conceivably attenuated through sensor saturation, anomalous feedback, power loss, or instrumental clock error, with total CG remaining a significant artifact of pulse-coupled magnetospheric vacuum instability.

link to ground magnetometer data from North America encompassing LIGO detectors

station locations (green points):
T15 (Bay Mills), BSL (Bay St Louis), BOU (Boulder), FRD (Fredericksburg), FRN (Fresno), LET (Lethbridge), C08 (Osakis), PIN (Pinawa), M08 (San Antonio), TEO (Teoloyucan), TUC (Tucson), VIC (Victoria)
Ground magnetometer stations in closest proximity to LIGO detectors are BSL and VIC.

North American ground magnetometer stations encompassing and centering LIGO instruments, N=5: BSL (Bay St Louis), BOU (Boulder), FRD (Fredericksburg), FRN (Fresno), VIC (Victoria)
These series are the partial autocorrelations of the dynamic pressure and the density of the solar wind with two shifted versions of the autocorrelation of gravitational wave event trigger GW150914-L1 (fitting rather nicely). Quasiperiodic injections will produce scaled iterations of their particular waveforms, conserved eigenvalues, and mutual coordinate relations in the spectra of scale-invariant transients as much as in long wavelength radio and coherent phase variations between normally uncorrelated processes. Gravitational wave event data are spectrally-covariant (bound by simple power laws and universal statistics), and with no prior assumptions as to source identity can be described by well-known classical helicon models for complex magnetic plasmas (with massive geon-like implications in some theoretical approaches toward a kind of gravitationally-bound, large-scale, self organizing nonresonant structure in giant cosmic fields), but also do contain meaningful classical and quantum correlations (whether undetected quantized TM modes, instanton-like artifacts, or an entangled state). Modeled joint LIGO data conform to topological behavior directly modeled by considering transverse field relations and total time evolution for parametric solar wind functions, further modeled into Earth cavity waveguided transverse modes through coupling to CG activity in thunderstorms, themselves modulating feedback from geomagnetic response to solar and magnetospheric shock/vacuua/injection arrivals:
GOES-13 magnetometer data with coincident lightning activity from Oklahoma storm active during GW150914 (grey bar); (light blue) the PACF of the PSD (DCT-II of the PACF) of 35-350 Hz bandpassed-unwhitened 16384 Hz time domain strain data from Livingston for the 0.2 s event, showing uncanny scaled conformity to the sawtooth event and to the impulsive triggering of globally-coherent lightning; [green] the PACF of the Hanford 35-350 Hz bandpassed-unwhitened 16384 Hz time domain strain data for the 0.2 s GW150914 event; 2.lightning discharge model around GW150914 (black, red dashed lines, with smoothed curve back shifted five mintues to fit pre-propagated data) with three channels from GOES13 512 ms proton flux (magnetometer) and the two (L1, H1) autocorrelations from unwhitened GW150915 strain data for the 0.2 second GW event, clearly showing a magnetospheric sawtooth stage with three coherent segments was underway, correlated with the duration of inter-detector cross-correlations with strain lags and spectral eigenvalues as noted by several authors:

Time lags from active coincident thunderstorm measurements and geographically-fitted Fermi-INTEGRAL GRB150914 data are related, with 0.4 s interval between GW150914 ringdown and GRB150914 with an interesting quality: 0.4 s at 0.67 c produces a wavelength within empirical bounds for low atmospheric circumference of the Earth, 40172 km, with its transient phase equal to 1 second, 5*0.2 s duration of GW150914. GW150914 was reportedly composed of ten discrete cycles, which is identical to the discrete ~60 minute sawtooth cycle count for the September 14, 2015 sawtooth injection interval, a period of 10 hours (4:40-14:40 UTC).

Map legend:
1. lightning ground flash data for 24 period surrounding GW150914
2. Yellow points are major CG lightning strikes occurring within 60 seconds of GW150914; I extend my boundaries from the cluster centroid, also a CG strike.
3. INTEGRAL gamma discharge upper limit for Fermi reading - ensconcing the lightning regime which in turn scales by the boundaries projected from the OK lightning event.
4. Range antipode from central OK point, extrapolated intersect for GW140914; amphidromic point (tidal node) - critical in EI-waveguide normal spectrum
5. Double antipodal range for centroid of hemispheric gamma ray counterpart predicted by Fermi-INTERGRAL, its centroid and boundaries delimited by strongly correlated lightning cells
6. Highly-ordered circular region of lightning cells with active centroid. Its predictive range boundaries, as cleft antipodal centroids, are tangent and longitudinally aligned with GW150914, as well as non-trivial harmonic fits for all aforementioned systems
7. Fermi probability range for hard x-ray/gamma ray burst associated with GW150914, version 1 from 2016 publication
8. Fermi probability range for hard x-ray/gamma ray burst associated with GW150914, version 2 from revised 2016 publication
9. Sky source constrained probability space for LIGO GW150914
10. Antipodal scaling range for OK lightning centroid, edge intersecting with INTEGRAL model gamma hemispheric counterpart
11. antipodal centroid in hemispheric gamma ray counterpart predicted by Fermi-INTERGRAL; amphidromic point (tidal node) - critical in EI-waveguide normal spectrum
12. Secondary antipodal centroid (a known stationary point in the domain of the oscillation of the SW boundary of the SAA
Further, despite rather ambiguous evidence for a luminous astrophysical event in NGC 4993, such solar wind-magnetospheric coherence and strong coupling/critical impulse behavior persists in GOES magnetospheric proton count functions for day of event GW170817, with event trigger marked as green vertical bar GW170817 coincident analysis:

Oscillation between oblique two-stream self-coupling at the IMF-magnetopause induces apparent self-affine quasiperiodic ringing behavior (inverse period halving and doubling with noise-induced stability). This is alarming if analytic embedding of cross-correlated iDFTs with identical integer time index partitions is circumvented. I find that I must reject various numerical pareidolia actively before I test control data; spectral recursion is ignored as a test of potential excess signal correlations with degeneracy at many bin lengths and with multiple test window functions to differentiate Gibbs artifacts from "quantum artifacts" in LIGO data. Are lag-correlated structures in LIGO noise derivatives of TM modes? Above all else, one investigates topological catacaustic envelopes, and error distributions of various orders from given perspectives should be subjected to dimensional analysis. Much existing analysis of one-dimensional data may also be plagued by observer-dependent sampling.
Can strong third-order criticality in the density of plasma sheets and particle convection, modulated by interplanetary-length directed magnetic field reconnection, also support massless scalar geons in interplanetary distance? Do kink instabilities in magnetic field lines, correlated with particular n-body orbital moduli and coincident giant equatorial coronal holes simulate geon-like self-stabilizing hyperblic-tunneling solitons as singular-delta shock profile? Are these merely relaxations of fields elastically-partitioned by particle injections? Is a weak gravitational vacuum polarization effect reinforcing the geodesic ground state and self-energy of propagating kinks in bifurcating spaces? Spherical harmonics for trains of matter-electromagnetic plane wave duty cycles may be inappropriate to account for emergence of universality and self-reinforcing structure in IMF-magnetospheric correlation functions.
Motivation for data selection can be better understood by becoming familiar with strong coupling between solar wind and the magnetosphere:
If you are mathematically inclined, request csv copies of workbooks, data and data links with citations, and GIS layers. Corrections and suggestions are very valuable to me. I utilize DCTs wherever possible to preclude significant phase correlation artifacts due to improper windowing of time series, a known issue with naive FFT.
tabular data for GW event parameters compiled here

Map legend:
1. lightning ground flash data for 24 period surrounding GW150914
2. Yellow points are major CG lightning strikes occurring within 60 seconds of GW150914; I extend my boundaries from the cluster centroid, also a CG strike.
3. INTEGRAL gamma discharge upper limit for Fermi reading - ensconcing the lightning regime which in turn scales by the boundaries projected from the OK lightning event.
4. Range antipode from central OK point, extrapolated intersect for GW140914; amphidromic point (tidal node) - critical in EI-waveguide normal spectrum
5. Double antipodal range for centroid of hemispheric gamma ray counterpart predicted by Fermi-INTERGRAL, its centroid and boundaries delimited by strongly correlated lightning cells
6. Highly-ordered circular region of lightning cells with active centroid. Its predictive range boundaries, as cleft antipodal centroids, are tangent and longitudinally aligned with GW150914, as well as non-trivial harmonic fits for all aforementioned systems
7. Fermi probability range for hard x-ray/gamma ray burst associated with GW150914, version 1 from 2016 publication
8. Fermi probability range for hard x-ray/gamma ray burst associated with GW150914, version 2 from revised 2016 publication
9. Sky source constrained probability space for LIGO GW150914
10. Antipodal scaling range for OK lightning centroid, edge intersecting with INTEGRAL model gamma hemispheric counterpart
11. antipodal centroid in hemispheric gamma ray counterpart predicted by Fermi-INTERGRAL; amphidromic point (tidal node) - critical in EI-waveguide normal spectrum
12. Secondary antipodal centroid (a known stationary point in the domain of the oscillation of the SW boundary of the SAA
Further, despite rather ambiguous evidence for a luminous astrophysical event in NGC 4993, such solar wind-magnetospheric coherence and strong coupling/critical impulse behavior persists in GOES magnetospheric proton count functions for day of event GW170817, with event trigger marked as green vertical bar GW170817 coincident analysis:

Oscillation between oblique two-stream self-coupling at the IMF-magnetopause induces apparent self-affine quasiperiodic ringing behavior (inverse period halving and doubling with noise-induced stability). This is alarming if analytic embedding of cross-correlated iDFTs with identical integer time index partitions is circumvented. I find that I must reject various numerical pareidolia actively before I test control data; spectral recursion is ignored as a test of potential excess signal correlations with degeneracy at many bin lengths and with multiple test window functions to differentiate Gibbs artifacts from "quantum artifacts" in LIGO data. Are lag-correlated structures in LIGO noise derivatives of TM modes? Above all else, one investigates topological catacaustic envelopes, and error distributions of various orders from given perspectives should be subjected to dimensional analysis. Much existing analysis of one-dimensional data may also be plagued by observer-dependent sampling.
Can strong third-order criticality in the density of plasma sheets and particle convection, modulated by interplanetary-length directed magnetic field reconnection, also support massless scalar geons in interplanetary distance? Do kink instabilities in magnetic field lines, correlated with particular n-body orbital moduli and coincident giant equatorial coronal holes simulate geon-like self-stabilizing hyperblic-tunneling solitons as singular-delta shock profile? Are these merely relaxations of fields elastically-partitioned by particle injections? Is a weak gravitational vacuum polarization effect reinforcing the geodesic ground state and self-energy of propagating kinks in bifurcating spaces? Spherical harmonics for trains of matter-electromagnetic plane wave duty cycles may be inappropriate to account for emergence of universality and self-reinforcing structure in IMF-magnetospheric correlation functions.
Motivation for data selection can be better understood by becoming familiar with strong coupling between solar wind and the magnetosphere:
If you are mathematically inclined, request csv copies of workbooks, data and data links with citations, and GIS layers. Corrections and suggestions are very valuable to me. I utilize DCTs wherever possible to preclude significant phase correlation artifacts due to improper windowing of time series, a known issue with naive FFT.
tabular data for GW event parameters compiled here
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