ACE, GOES, WIND, Blitzortung CG lightning, North American ground magnetometer data, and additional supplementary time series for August 17, 2017 UT, centered on GW170817
bow shock-magnetopause-geostationary interaction with solar wind during interplanetary storm-sawtooth event that corresponds to the GW170817 trigger source. During the event window, dipolarization front-triggered electron precipitation preserves coherent multipole topology, which is directly associated with compression and stretching of the magnetosphere; equilibrium at magnetopause retracts toward Earth at critical <10 RE

GW170817 is plotted as vertical bar, clearly terminating quasiperiodic phase-locked intervals at multiple energies in 250-350 keV protons; complex evolution of proton flux energy and scattering follows a precipitous proton flux spike enduring for ~2 minutes (magnetospheric soft proton flare, which can damage sensors and other instruments and/or cause saturation artifacts/increase photon counts) decaying into an initial triplet sawtooth stage that terminates during GW170817/GRB170817A transient window. GW170817 represents a propagating coherent crossover-like event in field structure evolution and flux levels at many scales, an injective, decremental quasiperiodic pulse train at AU-scale sub-Hz to ELF with conserved fractional domain eigenvalues, correlated with the soft GRB GRB170817A with peak duration ~0.02 s, but consisting of possible superposition of at least two transients, affected by dead time during enhanced background flux; approx. mid-latitude arrival time for geomagnetic effects from propagation of disturbance from geostationary orbit is 38 minutes, identical to the delay between GOES-13 proton spike and GW170817 L1:

Magnetospheric sawtooth particle injection event recorded in GOES-13,14,15 magnetospheric proton counts/s, with shock arrival and unusually-prominent flux spike (a particle injection event) at geostationary orbit calculated to arrive during the few minutes surrounding GW170817:

2D scatterplots for data above, with respect to GOES geostationary position, showing obvious interplanetary stream/loop interaction, opening of field, and development of secondary magnetic cloud structure [N=6,(log_10[x,y],[x,y])]:

Actual delay between proton count peak and GW170817 signal arrival is 37.9 minutes, ± 3 min; sawtooth lengths for sawtooth events are confined by near-exact 60-minute upper limits; standard feedback-modulated/stabilized lags for the Northern Hemisphere are coincidentally identical, with certain multi-phase quasiperiodic particle injection minimum arrival lags from magnetosphere bow shock ahead of magnetopause, with approx 3-5 minute delay added to 30-40 minute terrestrial polar magnetosphere-thermosphere propagation period preceding coherent geomagnetic coupling response, related to variable solar wind density and speed. Any persisting ordered transient response function is potentially associated with long or multiple (distributed) TGFs or other high energy beaming from TLEs and Q-bursts (or a potentially unknown kind of magnetospheric hard x-ray burst, if not itself the unique electromagnetic signature of a delayed CME or complex feedbacks resulting from evolving stream and field vacuua interaction shocks and coherence).
1, 2. GOES-13,14,15 magnetospheric proton count ((l2/var)/var) functions for August 17, 2017;
3, 4 GOES-13,14,15 magnetospheric proton count, 2D scatterplots (F:log_10[x,y]):

1, 2. GOES-13,14,15 magnetospheric proton count ((l2/var)/var)functions for August 17, 2017;
GOES-13,14,15 magnetospheric proton count, 2D scatterplots (F:log_10[x,y]) 3. sawtooth phase with probable coherent scattering, assuming shock or beam-initiated plasma acceleration upon coincident highly dense solar wind pressure front with steady convection and characteristic quasiperiodic shocks (CME or interplanetary origin - both were active and due to arrive August 17 2017 UTC), 7:17-14:33 UTC; 4. as above, August 17, 2017, 0:00:00-23:59:59:

Crossover behavior with particle outflow and field opening evident at GW170817 ; the proton injection event at -37.9 minutes from GW170817 peak arrival (red, black curves) corresponds to a benchmark magnetospheric proton flux enhancement, strongest in higher energy GOES-13 proton detector channels, uncorrelated with any known solar flare arrival, is recorded in all three GOES proton count datasets; it is not known if any GLE was recorded, although heavy particle outflow from geophysical/atmospheric origins is diagnostic of most magnetospheric sawtooth events. Positive and negative split peaks appear in MA curves of GOES-13 EPEAD a16e 3.8-435 MeV alpha particle flux (count) data around event GW170817:

[37.9, 41]-62 minute magnetospheric feedback-modulated (identical to propagated lag intervals from both geostationary and L1-bow shock regions of Earth's magnetosphere) sharply defined and with statistical Poisson parallelism between VMR_k (incremental Fano factor) and l2 norm of multivariate GOES-15 electron flux time series. These data provide further evidence for a diurnal class of sawtooth conditions, suggesting vacuum-like boundary injections modulating electron flux coupling behavior relative to GOES-15 longitude (135°00'00.0"W); GOES geostationary coordinates and LIGO locations, clockwise from top left: LIGO Hanford, LIGO Livingston, GOES-13, GOES-14, GOES-15:
information on the GOES Space Environment Monitor (SEM):

ACE solar wind-IMF data for August 17, 2017 (L1 lissajous orbit, apogee 150,550,000 km)

ACE Interplanetary magnetic field B[[x,y]|[x,z]|[y,z]] scatterplots (phase portraits) on N=7 GW days for available data (data colored according to scheme in legend of first graph):

20170817 UTC_ACE_IMF_Bx,y,x 3D scatterplots:

Ground magnetometers also registered an exceptional strongly-coupled magnetosphere-driven event with complex coherence, such as in this plot from the Brandon station in Southern Manitoba; geomagnetic field, Z-component, for a LIGO-encompassing ground station array selected for five stations on August 17, 2017 UTC, with GW event indicated:
Bay St. Louis, MS magnetometer (approx 120 km from Livingston, LA) presents the strongest Z-component peak at the trigger time for GW170817. The GW170817-L1 signal was the most distinctive signal for the LIGO-Virgo array, but a profound "glitch" corresponded with the point of greatest band coherence directly preceding peak SNR.
The k-variance of N=5 NA ground mag data for Z-component; station locations in plot:

link to ground magnetometer plots and data for UTC day of GW150914
Magnetometer stations:
BSL (Bay St Louis)
BOU (Boulder)
FRD (Fredericksburg)
FRN (Fresno)
VIC (Victoria)
VIC (Victoria)
data for these stations for any day for the entire SuperMAG coverage period:
var (decimal values): 62.67
sd (decimal values): 7.92
arith. mean: 24.2°
geomean 23.2°
harmean 22.22°
HLV (Hanford-Livingston-Virgo) sky area: 28 deg2
viewing angle: (without host galaxy identification) ≤ 56°, (with host galaxy identification) ≤ 28°
θ_obs ∼ 20° — 28° a short GRB seen off-axis
θ_obs≈16°—26° [1710.06421] Off-Axis Emission of Short GRB Jets from Double Neutron Star Mergers and GRB 170817A

Globally-coherent CG lightning triggering coupled with magnetospheric sawtooth event on August 17, 2017 link to CG lightning activity as data and GIFs for each of seven LIGO GW triggers:

Storm occurring during GW170817 is shown as cluster of yellow points near center of map; Key modes and corresponding wavelengths and intervals are presented in the table. Several authors have recently (Nov. 2018) conflated enhanced environmental feedback in strain noise as additional signal components from a messy "kilonova" observed off-axis, leading to a giant magnetar remnant model to explain late X-ray luminosity oscillation [], and yet another team of researchers have disassociated spurious LIGO-Virgo information from AT 2017gfo, proposing a WD-involved event []. LIGO Hanford and Livingston are large black points at opposing ends of the dashed lines representing their ground and LOS propagation lengths:
GW150914 GIS-spatial frequency analysis showing detector locations in relation to thunderstorm compared above to GW170817 event day storm and to model geodesic bounds reflecting the collective-complex wave-guided symmetry of these noise sources.
NGC 4993 was not instrumentally visible for three months following initial weeks of observation due to the secular obstruction by the solar domain, and was (adaptively, Look-elsewhere effect - Wikipedia) localized given LIGO parameter estimation over nine hours following GRB170817A trigger.Brightening neutron-star collision stumps astrophysicists - Futurity
Thunderstorm over East Texas during GW170817, its 5-minute lightning surrounding event is superimposed by a graphical projection of the NGC 4993 GW source Great circle domains are exact semi-empirical thunderstorm spatial eigenmodes (from prior unpublished and ongoing personal work), with multiple [deterministic] scaled fits:
Same projection of LIGO 2D spectral model for GW150914 data over scaled domain model on five minutes of ground strike lightning preceding GW150914 from Oklahoma double supercell on September 14 2015, occurring in the exact relation to both the August 17 2017 TX supercell lightning (as fitted in these precisely-scaled overlays) and to the 2007 superbolt as described here and in article links:
2007, Oklahoma: supercell storm phase generating longest lightning discharge path length recorded (321 km), from radar image rotated 18°from orthogonal coordinates. Both of these storms share spatial frequency scaling. The 183 km maximal bilateral spatial eigenmode [approx the radius of the reconstructed black hole source specified in LIGO publications of 175-186 km] is also the maximum 2D energy density dimension of each of the dual oscillatory cells of the Oklahoma GW150914-coincident thunderstorm.
A colored noise floor structure inextricably-linked to the upchirped ELF broadband transient known as GW150914 is composed of instrumentally waveguided resonant broadband TEM and TE-TM modes evolving relativistically from magnetic coupling at subluminal velocities at LIGO-specified spin rates for pre- and post-merger phases. This range is 0.57-0.75 c for GW150914. All three storms and discharge regimes are potentiated through critical, self-organizing quasiperiodic stability and share a similar location, but developed years apart; storms with these properties are sprite-producing and are almost always strongly coupled to ionospheric driving by the magnetosphere. These storms are also strongly-bound to location (carbonate aquifer boundaries with petroleum deposits), drifting very little over the course of hours and showing strong domain-bound rotational and cyclical behavior. As GW170817 strain data record, at the very least, local attenuation of an amplified magnetic transient (deriving from a similar strong magnetospheric-ionospheric coupling regime with time symmetry breaking, which is evident also for the six other LIGO high-confidence events that are generally accepted as astrophysical), some models from data scaled using Bayesian-generated approximations will preserve eigenmodes, modulation, and "jitter" from unwanted coherent electromagnetic components fundamentally affecting wavelet envelopes and template fits.
Interpretations of poorly filtered signal through naively-subtracted noise lead from prior experimental probabilities resting on the degree of confidence in former interpretation of prior high-confidence signals. In this sense, scale invariance can mask enhanced noise at LIGO calibration reference Q-factors, but is treated without attention to its dynamic sources in LIGO analysis. For GW170817, LIGO-Virgo data were very weak, affected by a glitch at Livingston, and non-existent for Virgo; Livingston is closest to the active storm over Texas overlapping shortest inter-detector length between detectors, and of ground magnetometer datasets utilized for coincident signal identification, Bay St. Louis has the strongest Z response.
GW170817 was most strongly sensed at Livingston, LA, but affected by an exceptional glitch (merely subtracted ad hoc). The first spectrogram below is constructed after application of extensive filtering and wavelet transforms, with bands <16 Hz truncated; the second plot shows multiple weak divergent synchronized chirp-like transverse modes and other threshold continuous signals in the same data (expected with respect to magnetospheric conditions underway), transected by a DC-saturating band-coherent separatrix glitch, folding at ~1024 Hz and time-correlated with GW signal. The glitch can be traced in strain data minutes prior to initial 24 Hz in bands <10 Hz. The minute-scaled, evolving GW170817 trigger was found to be significant above noise at 24 Hz, with low Q. Several Schumann magnetic modes are excited during this period, with ~60 Hz Schumann mode prominently double-peaked, as are upper harmonics, indicating that the origin of the broadband separatrix glitch artifact may be natural, with instrumental cavity artifacts and signal feedback. The folding frequency peak of the Schumann-correlated glitch is related to the 30-2048 LIGO sensitive range, a cavity f_1/2 subharmonic. Airy dislocation in Kerr media can generate chirp-like solitons.

GRB170817A is exceedingly weak regardless of any off-axis corrections.

Prior and subsequent (GRB150101B) kilonova data are highly-incompatible with all GW170817/AT2017gfo/GRB170817A studies without free adjustment of parameters, with the LIGO luminosity distance of ~40 Mpc the source of most energy/mass scaling discrepancies between observation, systematic error, instrumental error, and theory.
If source distance estimation in NGC 4993 is disregarded, GRB170817A can be included within the population of dissipative luminous disturbances expected during sawtooth injections with active heavy ion feedback from phase-locked sprite emission and ELV superposition with geomagnetic transients detectable globally. A phase transition between quantized and classical behavior in the magnetospheric plasma structure induces crossover -like disturbances propagating throughout the ring current; geomagnetic coherence is achieved, with cloud-ground lightning discharge pulse-coupled to magnetospheric shocks due to feedback with solar wind driving. For GRB170817A, observed without directional certainty for transient vector origin, one may consider alternative terrestrial scaling for event classification. Spectral scaling for magnetospheric beaming with attention to the outward-transverse separatrix bundle of time-dependent ground state correlations in magnetospheric field functionals at <300 keV photon energy can exclude swept off-axis GRB coinciding with GW170817 sky localization at the solar angle, an event known as AT 2017gfo, a putative kilonova in NGC 4993 constrained prematurely by GW170817. This apparent kilonova has been coopted by purely classical models permitting statistical scale invariance without foreground/background effects contributing to signal power.
arXiv search: GW170817, kilonova
Further information on research involving lightning driving by magnetospheric coupling during interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) parametric coherence, with redundant inline links for your convenience :
Fermi GBM counts (light curves) and timescale-likelihood plots with sectrograms of L1 peak signal period period showing glitch (y:log10):

GRB170817A is exceedingly weak regardless of any off-axis corrections.
Prior and subsequent (GRB150101B) kilonova data are highly-incompatible with all GW170817/AT2017gfo/GRB170817A studies without free adjustment of parameters, with the LIGO luminosity distance of ~40 Mpc the source of most energy/mass scaling discrepancies between observation, systematic error, instrumental error, and theory.
If source distance estimation in NGC 4993 is disregarded, GRB170817A can be included within the population of dissipative luminous disturbances expected during sawtooth injections with active heavy ion feedback from phase-locked sprite emission and ELV superposition with geomagnetic transients detectable globally. A phase transition between quantized and classical behavior in the magnetospheric plasma structure induces crossover -like disturbances propagating throughout the ring current; geomagnetic coherence is achieved, with cloud-ground lightning discharge pulse-coupled to magnetospheric shocks due to feedback with solar wind driving. For GRB170817A, observed without directional certainty for transient vector origin, one may consider alternative terrestrial scaling for event classification. Spectral scaling for magnetospheric beaming with attention to the outward-transverse separatrix bundle of time-dependent ground state correlations in magnetospheric field functionals at <300 keV photon energy can exclude swept off-axis GRB coinciding with GW170817 sky localization at the solar angle, an event known as AT 2017gfo, a putative kilonova in NGC 4993 constrained prematurely by GW170817. This apparent kilonova has been coopted by purely classical models permitting statistical scale invariance without foreground/background effects contributing to signal power.
Only the existence and correlation of AT2017gfo with GW170817/GRB170817A have not been debated in many areas of physics.
arXiv search: GRB170817A, kilonovaarXiv search: GW170817, kilonova
Further information on research involving lightning driving by magnetospheric coupling during interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) parametric coherence, with redundant inline links for your convenience :
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